Please note that one of our Cocoyea phone numbers, 868-222-2116 has been discontinued. The numbers to contact the south office will be as follows:
- 868-222-2689
- 868-653-3907
The phone numbers for the Main Office at Montrose will remain the same:
- 868-672-2063/3716
- 868-221-3067
The show room at the main office has been repainted and the display was rearranged. Now our customers feel more at home and our staff enjoy a brand new work space. The space is sectioned so when you enter you can view our car parts items to the right, CTP items to the left and tools/ hardware are straight ahead.
The rearrangement of the floor makes the Track batteries more accessible for your viewing and if you are thirsty, the well-stocked refrigerator is just on the left of the batteries.
If you need assistance or just want to have a chat with any staff member, there are stools and enough counter space where a conversation can be had.
We have also added in an LCD screen on the left wall of the show room to display some of the items we carry along with their prices.
So with all of these upgrades we hope to make your visit a memorable one.